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Jews in South Korea: In range but unfazed

September 8, 2017 09:14

ByTim Alper, Tim Alper

2 min read

The world’s media is in no doubt: North Korea’s despotic regime presents the biggest threat to world peace in decades. The rogue state’s latest escalations, firing a missile over Japan and testing what it calls an “advanced hydrogen bomb”, has led US Defense Secretary James Mattis to warn of “a massive military response”.

Kim Jong-un responded with more fiery rhetoric, sending a chill down spines across the planet.

But what of the Jewish communities living in South Korea, a stone’s throw from the North’s deadly arsenal?

They may be few in number, but expat Jews can be found living all over South Korea — particularly in Seoul, a mere 35 miles from the border with the North. The capital sits directly in the line of North Korean artillery fire and could quickly feel the brunt of the hostilities should inter-Korean tensions overspill.