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Italian company says it's 'sick of the controversy' over its Hitler wine

Vini Lunardelli will stop selling its dictator wines next year

August 24, 2022 16:09
A picture taken on September 14, 2017 shows bottles of wine with pictures of Mussolini, Hitler, Lenin and Stalin at a shop in the center of Rome. Italy's lower house of Parliament voted for the introduction of an article in the penal code punishing "anyone who propagates the images or contents of the Italian former Fascist Party or the German former Nazist Party" affects production, distribution, diffusion or sale of goods depicting people, images or symbols, and increase of one-third of the punishment for the crimes committed through the web, the rectification of the law is now awaiting voting in the Senate. / AFP PHOTO / Alberto PIZZOLI (Photo credit should read ALBERTO PIZZOLI/AFP via Getty Images)
1 min read

An Italian winery that has long produced wine named for fascists and dictators like Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini says that it will stop next year, saying they are “sick and tired of all this controversy”. 

Andrea Lunardelli, who is expected to take over the family-owned Vini Lunardelli next year, says that the “historical” lines will come to an end in 2023. 

“That’s enough. We’re sick and tired of all this controversy,” Lunardelli told Italian newspaper Repubblica this week, adding: “So from next year, the whole historical line with labels of people like Hitler and Mussolini will disappear.” 

If Lunardelli carries out his pledge, it would bring an end to the Nazi-themed business that the company has undertaken since 1995, when it first introduced the series. 

