
Israeli tourists told 'you are not welcome here' by German guest-house owner


A group of Israeli tourists who booked rooms in a guest house in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, were later told that their booking had been cancelled because – according to a letter from the owner which was posted on Facebook by one of the party – ‘We don't want have guests from Israel, because our apartments are not for them.’

Igor Tsehansky‎ explained on his Facebook page:

"We wanted to go on vacation. The owner of the German Zimmer Mattenhof wishes to cancel the reservation after learning that we are citizens of Israel."

Mr Tsehansky‎ told the Jerusalem Post "It took us weeks to find the hotel and we even ordered it a year in advance."

Igor found the guest house though the website. A representative from the company told the JC:

At, we do not tolerate discrimination of any kind. Period.

"As soon as we were made aware of the comments made by the owner of this property to our customers, we immediately investigated and closed the property on our site.

"We are now working to find a suitable alternative for the group of customers affected by this incident as quickly as possible.

"The property has been removed and is no longer listed on"

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