When I made plans to go to Greece to investigate the rise of Golden Dawn, a neo-Nazi party that won almost seven per cent of the vote in the recent elections, I knew I was putting myself in some danger. After all, I intended to visit its headquarters and interview its members, who have been linked to a spate of attacks on foreigners. Still, when I was attacked by assailants in Athens, it came at an entirely unexpected moment.
I was walking outside the National Archaeological Museum at 8pm - still daylight in Greece in the summer - when suddenly I saw dozens of foreigners running in every direction.
Behind them was a group of about 15 masked men wearing black shirts and wielding batons. I instinctively took out my camera to film the attack, but before I captured any images, the assailants turned on me.
I was beaten in full view of dozens of passers-by - who were too scared to intervene - until I lay bloodied on the pavement. My attackers, who spoke Greek, told me in broken English they wanted my camera, but I held on to it for dear life.