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Israel is playing the long game – and on the verge of a strategic turning point

Israel is frequently criticised for having no plan in place to translate military achievements into political arrangements

October 15, 2024 11:53
Israel has no plan in place to translate it's war efforts into political arrangements to boost the nations security (Credit: Getty Images)

ByEitan Shamir, Jewish News Syndicate

8 min read

One claim frequently heard from commentators and experts both within and outside Israel is that Jerusalem lacks a clear strategy and political plan for the day after the Iron Swords War.

They argue that while Israel may have achieved significant military gains in the north and in Gaza, Israel has no plan in place to translate those achievements into political arrangements that end the war and improve Israel’s security and international position.

These commentators consistently repeat the phrase well known to every first-year student of international relations, namely that the purpose of military action is to bring about an improved political situation, meaning there is no military solution without a concluding political leg (this has at least been true of most contemporary wars).

However, any implementation of a political arrangement that improves Israel’s security-political situation after October 7 will require military achievements and an end state that most of these commentators either refuse to accept or do not believe can be reached.