
Iran unveils first hypersonic missile in challenge to Israel

Tehran says the missile can travel at 15 times the speed of sound

June 7, 2023 10:50
Fattah missile
1 min read

Iran this week unveiled what it claims to be a hypersonic missile which it says can breach Israel’s Iron Dome defence system.

State television said the Fattah (Conqueror) missile can reach up to 15 times the speed of sound with a range of 870 miles, meaning it could not reach Israel, which is at least 1,100 miles away.

“It is capable of breaching all defence shields,” said Amirali Hajizadeh, of the Revolutionary Guards aerospace division.

Iran recently tested its newest ballistic missile, the Khoramshahr-4, said to have a range of 1,240 miles and therefore capable of hitting Israel.

The news came after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused the International Atomic Energy Agency of “capitulating” to Iranian pressure by closing its investigations into three Iranian nuclear sites. He said: “The agency’s capitulation to Iranian pressure is a black stain on its record.”

IAEA director-general Rafael Grossi denied the allegation. “We never ever water down our standards,” he said.

The United Nations was also criticised by the US, Israel and human rights groups after Iran was elected last month to the UN General Assembly’s Committee on Disarmament and International Security.

A UK Foreign Office spokesperson said: “Iran has announced the development of a new ballistic missile, despite repeated calls from the UN Security Council to halt its programme.

"This, only weeks after Iran claimed to have successfully test-launched a ballistic missile of similar capability, further proves its continued disregard of international restrictions and the grave threat posed by the regime to global security.

“Alongside partners, the UK remains committed to taking every diplomatic step to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons and to hold the regime to account for its malign activity around the world.”