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Iran nuclear deadline pushed back to July 2015

November 24, 2016 23:20
(Photo: Getty Images)

ByJosh Jackman, Josh Jackman

1 min read

The deadline for a deal to halt Iran’s nuclear weapons programme has been pushed back seven months.

The US, UK, Russia, China, France and Germany originally set a deadline for today, but failed to reach a long-term deal that would take the place of the interim agreement signed in Geneva last year.

The group of nations will restart negotiations with Iran in December and aim to finalise an agreement by 1 July, during which period the Islamic Republic will be permitted access to £450m per month in frozen funds.

Speaking in anticipation of the deferral, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said: “No deal is better than a bad deal. The deal that Iran was pushing for was terrible. A deal would have left Iran with the ability to enrich uranium for an atom bomb while removing the sanctions.