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In Moises Ville, the Yiddish cowboys make one last stand

February 28, 2013 12:10
Former town mayor Arminio Seiferheld (right) in his ranching days
2 min read

Ariel Rosenthal appears a typical gaucho, the name given to Argentine cowboys who work the land and rear cattle in the country’s vast Pampas.

He wears bombachas, rugged, loose-fitting trousers; alpargatas, cotton shoes; and a boina, a beret-style cap.

He slurps continuously on maté, a herbal drink served in a wooden gourd, and reminisces about a boyhood spent galloping on horseback through his father’s farm.

But unlike most gauchos, Mr Rosenthal also speaks Ivrit, maintains the traditions of Shabbat and studied as a teenager at the Jewish seminary in Moises Ville, his home town ten hours north-west of Buenos Aires.