
Hungarian PM pledges to stop far-right protests ahead of WJC meeting

November 24, 2016 22:58
Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban

ByZoe Winograd, Zoe Winograd

1 min read

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has banned protests against the World Jewish Congress plenary assembly, due to take place in Budapest next week.

Last month, Lorant Hegedüs Jr, member of the far-right Jobbik party, announced plans for an “anti-bolshevik and anti-Zionist people’s gathering” to take place this weekend. On Monday Mr Orban told police to stop any anti-Zionist demonstration.

The WJC is being held in Budapest this year to show solidarity with the Hungarian Jewish community, which has faced a resurgence of antisemitism in recent months. It will be one of the first times that the WJC plenary assembly is held outside Jerusalem.