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Hologram of Andy Kaufman to perform across America

October 29, 2015 11:20
Coming back as a hologram: Kaufman

ByDan Friedman, Dan Friedman

1 min read

Andy Kaufman did not let his contempt for jokes get in the way of being America's funniest performance artist in the late '70s. He did not let his lack of wrestling ability get in the way of wrestling Jerry "The King" Lawler in front of a packed Mid-South Coliseum in Memphis in April 1982. And he's not letting his untimely 1984 death at the age of 35 get in the way of a new tour in 2016.

Thanks to the technology that brought a deceased Tupac to play at the Coachella festival in 2012 and a late Michael Jackson to perform at the 2014 Billboard Awards, Mr Kaufman will play live across the US next year.

According to Alki David, the founder and CEO of Hologram USA, Mr Kaufman and African-American comedian Red Foxx are comedy "icons" who will be shown at venues across the country.

Hologram USA is a venture of Mr David's FilmOn Networks, an online streaming TV platform that has disrupted network television along a series of legal fault-lines. The association with Mr Kaufman - the character actor from Long Island, New York, who loved to disrupt all forms of mass-entertainment - seems apt.