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Germany's armed forces set to advertise for its first military rabbi since the Shoah

The Bundeswehr needs a Jewish chaplain because every soldier is entitled to pastoral care, says Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen

April 12, 2019 06:44
Soldiers of the Bundeswehr — Germany's armed forces — line up for the state visit of a foreign leader to Berlin last month

ByIgal Avidan, BY IGAL AVIDAL berlin

2 min read

The German army is set to employ its first rabbi since the Shoah to offer spiritual guidance to its growing numbers of Jewish soldiers.

Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen said the decision was necessary because every soldier was entitled to “undisturbed religious practice and pastoral care”.

She made the announcement at a conference last week organised by the Central Council of Jews in Germany (ZdJ), where she said she is filled “with gratitude and with joy” that Jewish women and men serve in the armed forces.

Christian pastors have long offered a similar service in the German armed forces, known as the Bundeswehr. The country’s Ministry of Defence estimates there are about 300 Jews currently serving in the armed forces.