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Ger, one of the largest chasidic dynasties in the world, splits after 160 years of unity

Breakaway group led by Rabbi Shaul Alter, cousin of the eighth Gerrer Rebbe, Rabbi Yaakov Aryeh Alter

October 24, 2019 11:16
Thousands of Gerrer chasidim attend the wedding of Rabbi Yaakov Aryeh Alter's grandson in Jerusalem in February. The Gerrer rebbe did not invite his cousin, Rabbi Shaul Alter, to the ceremony, a move which may have exacerbated tensions between the two, leading to the split.
2 min read

One of the largest and most prestigious chasidic dynasties in the world has reportedly split, after 160 years of unity.

The Ger chasidic dynasty, the largest in Israel and the third largest in the world, numbering more than 11,000 families, has been led by Rabbi Yaakov Aryeh Alter, the eighth Grand Rabbi (Rebbe) of the group, since 1996.

But his cousin, Rabbi Shaul Alter, has now officially broken away from the group, holding an event on Tuesday which was attended by hundreds of his followers, despite warnings that attendees would be banished from Ger’s institutions.

Tensions can be said to have dated back decades.