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Fury as EU court removes Hamas from terror list

December 18, 2014 13:10
A Hamas member  on parade last week

ByAnshel Pfeffer, Anshel Pfeffer

1 min read

The "technical" decision of the European Union's General Court to remove Hamas from the EU's list of terror organisations has drawn an indignant response from Israeli leaders, despite senior EU officials insisting the step is temporary.

The court accepted the argument of lawyers representing Hamas that an organisation can only be listed as a terror group on the basis of official EU sources and not other information sources.

The court emphasised that the ruling was not on Hamas's actual nature or status and that it would not be implemented for three months. This ensures that Hamas assets in Europe will remain frozen while the EU appeals against the ruling and puts the Islamist movement back on the "terror list".

Israeli officials initially briefed the media that the EU court's decision was purely "technical" and did not signal a policy change, but politicians rushed to attack it.