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Fuchs fraud trial breach of international law

January 12, 2011 16:03

ByJennifer Lipman, Jennifer Lipman

1 min read

An Israeli businessman is on trial in Tbilisi in a fraud case which a high-profile British lawyer has called a breach of Georgia's obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).

Human rights lawyer Geoffrey Robertson QC, who is working on the case, said: "In its pursuit of Rony Fuchs, Georgia has acted in a manner contrary to [its] obligations under international law.”

In March 2010 Mr Fuchs and his business partner won a £62 million payout from the Georgian government for a breached agreement on the construction of an oil pipeline.

The Georgian government has not paid the sum, which with interest has now risen to more than £64 million, but is instead alleged to have set up a sting in order to arrest Mr Fuchs on bribery charges.