Four people have been arrested in connection with the Toulouse shootings last year.
According to reports, the men were arrested in Toulouse on Tuesday on suspicion of being accomplices to self-proclaimed “Islamic warrior” Mohammed Merah.
The total number of men arrested in connection with the murders is now six: last year, older brother Abdelkader Merah and another from Toulouse were also charged with complicity in the attacks.
Merah, 23, killed seven people including three children and a rabbi outside a Jewish school, as part of a terror spree. Three French soldiers were also killed.
Merah said he had been motivated by the deaths of Palestinians and military action by France abroad.
He was shot dead on March 22 by police after a 32-hour siege. Two police officers were wounded during the stand-off. He is held responsible for the deaths of seven people from March 11-19.
President Francois Hollande pledged to tighten anti-terror laws after the attacks.