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Fleeing Trump? Come to Canada for Yiddish and better brisket

Letter from: Montreal

November 17, 2016 11:32
Hole-y salvation? Montreal's bagels

ByDavid Lazarus, David Lazarus

1 min read

Yes, it's true that well over 70 per cent of America's six million Jews did not vote for Donald Trump.

But for those who cannot bear the thought of enduring at least four years under President-elect Trump's bellicose orange hair and are considering joining their 400,000 fellow Jews to the north, there are some things to bear in mind.

First, as the Jewish Telegraphic Agency duly reported in the wake of Mr Trump's trauma-triggering triumph, Montreal makes the better bagel and marinates a meaner smoked brisket, the city's own - and, many think, better - version of pastrami.

But there are other factors.