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EXCLUSIVE: Putin targets arrangement for Israel and Iran in Syria

The Russian president hopes to get both Tehran and Jerusalem to agree to a new formula

September 18, 2017 13:20
The Russian President has built relationships with the leaders of both Israel and Iran
1 min read

Russian President Vladimir Putin is trying to find a formula for the post-war power-balance in Syria with which both Israel and Iran can agree. According to well-informed sources in Moscow, Mr Putin wants to keep good relations with Jerusalem and Tehran and “is not prepared to drop either”.

The Iranians have been an integral part in the Russian plan to preserve the Assad regime – they provided the “boots on the ground” in the shape of thousands of Hezbollah fighters and tens of thousands of Shi’a militia members recruited for as far away as Afghanistan. Mr Putin not only recognises this, he also knows that there may still be need of the Iranian proxies to keep Assad in power.

On the other hand, the Russian President is aware that of all the players in the region, Israel has the greatest capabilities to ruin his plans in Syria and make life intolerable for Mr Assad and his supporters. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made it clear to his Russian counterpart that Israel has no interest in jeopardising the Assad regime and would be satisfied if it were to restore some calm to the war-torn country. However Israel will not agree to Syria becoming a forward base for Iran. 

In recent years, Mr Netanyahu has built a rapport with the Russian president and the Russians have not responded or condemned Israel’s latest attacks on Hezbollah weapons convoys and depots within Syria, even when those took place near Russian bases and air-defence batteries.