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EXCLUSIVE: Iranian Twitter propaganda

Antisemitic tweets are being used to grow support for the Iranian regime

June 10, 2021 14:42
4 min read

Antisemitic tweets are being used as part of an orchestrated campaign on social media to build support for the Iranian regime, new research reveals.

A study by the Online Antisemitism Campaign Taskforce reveals how randomised twitter accounts, many of which are bots, are piggy-backing on the topic of antisemitism to celebrate suicide bombers and terrorist groups known for their pro-Iranian sympathies.

A second wave of fake accounts, which do not glorify violence, have also been set up to like and share the tweets of those that do – in a bid to normalise acts of terror and expand support for Islamic extremists on-line among more moderate Twitter users.

The results of the study have been branded “shocking” by one of the world’s leading experts on antisemitism who urged Twitter and social media giants to clean up platforms being used to glorify terror and violence.