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Dutch national railway says it is ready to begin compensating Holocaust victims

Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS) helped transport Jews, Roma and Sinti to a transit camp, Westerbork, and then on to extermination and concentration camps

August 5, 2019 12:13
A freight car used to transport Holocaust victims, on display at Auschwitz Birkenau. Nederlandse Spoorwegen was paid by the Nazis to transport Jews, Roma and Sinti
2 min read

The Dutch national railway company which transported almost 100,000 Jews to concentration camps during the Holocaust has announced it is now ready to begin compensation payments to survivors and their families, opening its application process.

The announcement came six weeks after Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS), the publicly owned company, accepted a recommendation from a committee it set up last year to investigate the company’s culpability in the genocide.

It had already accepted the need to pay reparations last year but had set up the committee to determine the amount it should pay. 

During Second World War, the Germans paid the Dutch company more than £2,300,000 for use of its rolling stock to transport Jews from Westerbork to extermination camps including Auschwitz and Sobibor and concentration camps such as Theresienstadt and Bergen Belsen.