ByJosh Jackman, Josh Jackman
Donald Trump has called Israel’s separation barrier a success while discussing his plan to erect a wall across the US-Mexico border.
Speaking at the Republican presidential debate on Tuesday, the billionaire frontrunner once again outlined his plan to repatriate all 11 million undocumented Mexican immigrants.
As a method of combating further illegal immigration, the Apprentice star said that he would construct a wall along the 1,954-mile border that divides the two nations.
“We are a country of laws. We need borders. We will have a wall. The wall will be built. The wall will be successful. And if you think walls don’t work, all you have to do is ask Israel.
“The wall works, believe me, properly done. Believe me.”
Since construction began on the separation barrier in response to the Second Intifada, it has been the subject of controversy and numerous accusations of human rights violations.
In 2004, the year after the barrier was established, the International Court of Justice in The Hague told Israel it should “cease construction of the barrier, dismantle the parts of the barrier that were built inside the West Bank, revoke the orders issued relating to its construction, and compensate the Palestinians who suffered losses as a result of the barrier.”
However, Israel supporters point out that there has been a fall in terror attacks in the 12 years since the wall was built, from 135 in 2002 to 11 in 2013, although that figure rose to 62 in 2014.
The candidate from New York said his idea was similar to that of President Dwight Eisenhower, who in 1954 initiated the derogatorily named Operation Wetback to deport a million Mexicans.