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Could the kosher vote really decide the American election?

November 1, 2012 16:30
2 0

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

1 min read

The biggest storm in the US in at least a century has afforded President Barack Obama the opportunity to look serious and presidential, and has given Governor Mitt Romney some unopposed campaign time.

As the vote draws near and the two campaigns retain lawyers to spar in the event of a tie, the minuscule number of Jewish voters in the swing states have become ever more important.

In Florida, where a hefty 29 electoral votes are in play and where memories of 2000’s Tallahassee recount are still fresh, both parties have been airing TV ads directed at Jewish voters on President Obama’s stance on Israel.

Mr Romney’s campaign wants to show that Mr Obama is a pusillanimous president who went on an “apology tour” of mainly Muslim states to say sorry for American policies. To that end, it followed up September television ads using footage of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with late October commercials cut from the third presidential debate.