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Bugged US lawmaker ‘spoke to Israeli spy’

April 23, 2009 15:53

ByNathan Guttman, Nathan Guttman

1 min read

A row has broken out in Washington over a Jewish congresswoman’s links to pro-Israel lobbyists after her phone calls were wiretapped by the National Security Agency.

Rep Jane Harman, a California Democrat known for her strong ties with pro-Israel groups, was heard conducting a conversation with a “suspected Israeli agent”.

In the call, Ms Harman was asked to use her influence with the administration to help two former staffers of the pro-Israel lobby Aipac who are facing espionage-related charges.

The two lobbyists, Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman, are accused of communicating national security information they received from a Pentagon analyst to Israeli diplomats, reporters and to their bosses at Aipac.