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Boom and bust-up: Iran nuclear negotiations end without results

March 20, 2014 16:32
Ashton with Iran’s  foreign minister Mohammed Zarif in Vienna (Photo: Getty Images)

ByAnshel Pfeffer, Anshel Pfeffer

2 min read

A second round of negotiations between the P5+1 group and the Iranian government on Iran’s nuclear programme ended this week without results and accusations flying between Israel, the US and the Islamic Republic.

Despite the upbeat announcements — a spokesperson for the European Union foreign policy chief, Baroness Ashton, said the talks had been “substantive and useful” — little progress was achieved on the core issues.

Iran still refuses to dismantle key parts of its uranium enrichment process, stop the construction of a new plutonium reactor or discuss curbing its development of long-range missiles.

While the atmosphere in Vienna remained outwardly cordial, back in Tehran, the regime accused the US and its allies of trying to scupper the talks at Israel’s behest.