
Be more like Israel, Iranians tell Rouhani

March 28, 2014 15:49

ByJCReporter, JCReporter

1 min read

Iranians have launched an unprecedented attack on the country’s government – for not behaving more like Israel.

The criticism of President Rouhani's administration came following the news that an Iranian soldier taken hostage by militants in Pakistan had been killed.

Angry Iranians took to social media to condemn the Islamic Republic’s failure to rescue the soldier, comparing its apparent inaction unfavourably with Israeli determination to secure the release of Gilad Shalit, the IDF private who was held by Hamas for five years.

One post on Facebook read: “Keep saying ‘Death to Israel’ but they freed 1,072 Palestinians in return for the release of one of their own.”

Another admitted: “Yes, I admire Israel. The same Israel they have been wanting to wipe off the map. The same Israel who for five years tirelessly did everything to save one of its soldiers.

Most of the messages were posted abroad, but have been widely discussed in Iran, despite Facebook and Twitter being banned there.