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Backlash against online hate

June 9, 2016 11:49

ByDan Friedman, Dan Friedman

1 min read

Jews on Twitter and Facebook have started putting triple parentheses around their names - as above - as a way of hitting back at antisemitic internet trolls.

Called "echoes" by the neo-Nazis and white supremacists who invented them, these parentheses are named after the echo sound effect used to mark out Jewish names in the right-wing hate podcast "The Daily Shoah".

After if became clear that neo-Nazis were using the symbol to "tag" Jews, prominent Jews on Twitter and Facebook appropriated the triple parenthesis as a way of counteracting the racism.

The echo symbols came to light when New York Times writer Jonathan Weisman wrote about being harassed by pro-Donald Trump trolls, who were using the brackets on Twitter around the names of Jews.