
Backlash against online hate

June 9, 2016 11:49
1 min read

Jews on Twitter and Facebook have started putting triple parentheses around their names - as above - as a way of hitting back at antisemitic internet trolls.

Called "echoes" by the neo-Nazis and white supremacists who invented them, these parentheses are named after the echo sound effect used to mark out Jewish names in the right-wing hate podcast "The Daily Shoah".

After if became clear that neo-Nazis were using the symbol to "tag" Jews, prominent Jews on Twitter and Facebook appropriated the triple parenthesis as a way of counteracting the racism.

The echo symbols came to light when New York Times writer Jonathan Weisman wrote about being harassed by pro-Donald Trump trolls, who were using the brackets on Twitter around the names of Jews.

On June 1, the website Mic revealed that a seemingly innocuous browser plug-in for Chrome - the "Coincidence Detector" - marked all Jewish-looking names with the parentheses and replaced "Israel" with "(((Our Greatest Ally)))". Google reacted by pulling the app from its store.

White supremacists have been emboldened by Mr Trump's campaign for president. Many of them troll, in blatantly racist ways ("#OvenWorthy"), Jewish-named writers who question the presumptive Republican nominee.