
Anti-Israel flotilla thriller for Turkey

September 16, 2010 11:37
1 min read

An anti-Israeli movie featuring a Turkish agent avenging the killing of the nine Turks aboard the Gaza-bound flotilla in May will be shown in Turkish cinemas next month.

The Valley of the Wolves - Palestine is a follow-up to the movie The Valley of the Wolves - Iraq, which three years ago showed a Turkish agent fighting the US occupation forces in Iraq. At the time, the film caused considerable tension between the US and Turkey and was seen as one reason for the growing anti-Americanism in Turkey.

The new movie shows the same agent and his team pursuing the Israeli commander, "Moshe", who ordered the raid on the Gaza-bound Turkish ship Mavi Marmara last May. The movie also shows scenes of atrocities perpetrated by the IDF in Gaza and the West Bank.

The director of the film, Zübeyr Sasmaz, told reporters that the aim was to highlight the drama of the Palestinian people under Israeli occupation and to help viewers realise the "savage behaviour" of the Israelis.

A spokesman for the company said he did not care about Israel's reaction.

"We don't expect any sound judgement from them," he said.

Last year Israel protested against the airing of a TV drama, Separation, which depicted Israeli atrocities in Gaza. The series, which the local Jewish community complained caused an upsurge in antisemitism, was shown on state television, yet the Turkish government insisted that the drama was produced by a private film company. Eventually the virulant anti-Israeli scenes stopped.

Israeli-Turkish relations were seriously damaged by Israel's raid on the flotilla in May. The Turkish government is still insisting on an official Israeli apology and compensation before bilateral ties can be restored.