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ANALYSIS: Why the EU vote was not worth the hysteria

December 18, 2014 17:17
18122014 460587238
2 min read

The Palestinian Authority and pro-Palestinian activists would like us to believe that their campaign to have Palestine recognised as a state without an agreement with Israel is roaring into life, with resolutions passed in several European parliaments. But a closer look at the motion passed in the EU parliament this week tells a different story.

The EU parliament resolution was a compromise. Rather than recognising Palestine, or calling on EU member states to do so, it "supports in principle recognition of Palestinian statehood and the two-state solution, and believes these should go hand in hand with the development of peace talks, which should be advanced".

Similarly, the resolution in Spain last month linked recognition of Palestine to a negotiated solution with Israel.

The debate around the EU parliament's text reflects a real range of views about the conflict in Europe. Certainly there are politicians who regard the Palestinians as the victims, believe the failure to resolve the conflict is due only to Israeli intransigence, and that the way to break the deadlock is to strengthen the Palestinians and isolate Israel. And there is widespread frustration at the drip, drip of announcements for new construction in settlements.