
Abu Qatada awaits bail decision

July 8, 2013 14:53
Abu Qatada boarding the plane which deported him to Jordan on Sunday (Photo: UK Home Office)

ByJosh Jackman, Josh Jackman

1 min read

Abu Qatada has asked to be released on bail ahead of his trial for conspiring to carry out terrorist attacks against Israeli tourists visiting Jordan.

The radical cleric, who was deported from London to Amman yesterday, is charged with planning assaults on Westerners, including Israelis and Americans, in 1999 and 2000.

According to the Associated Press, a prosecutor said the State Security Court will return a verdict on the 53-year-old’s bail request “within 48 hours”.

Mr Qatada’s father reportedly told reporters yesterday that “my son is innocent and I hope the court will set him free”.