
Abbas produces fiery rhetoric but no bombshells in UN speech

September 30, 2015 17:01
abbas un

ByOrlando Radice, Orlando Radice

1 min read

In a much-anticipated address at the United Nations General Assembly today, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas did not drop the “bombshell” that he has been hinting at in recent weeks.

While Mr Abbas declared that his government was no longer bound by any agreements with Israel, he did not specify that he would end security co-ordination with the Jewish state or dissolve the PA .

Mr Abbas appeared to have designed his cliff-hanger rhetoric to draw as much attention to the Palestinian cause as possible without actually changing the status quo.

Accusing Israel of continuing to violate agreements, Mr Abbas declared that the PA "cannot continue to be bound by these agreements with Israel." He called up on Israel to assume all responsibilities as an occupying power, saying that the situation was unsustainable.

However, he made no reference to any new security or political arrangements in the West Bank.

Mr Abbas also claimed that “Israel is imposing an apartheid regime in Palestine and a regime of protection for settlers” and called on “all states that still haven't recognised Palestine to do it as soon as possible”.