
What's the point of a chief rabbi?

June 30, 2013 10:15

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

1 min read

Quentin Letts has a Radio 4 series called What’s the Point Of?, billed as a witty look at great British institutions.

In three weeks, I can reveal, the target of his scrutiny is none other than the Chief Rabbinate of the United Hebrew Congregations.

According to the preview, the office is one “that some people have described as tougher than the Archbishop of Canterbury’s – but with better jokes”.

I can also reveal the answer to a question that must have been weighing on some of your minds: who will make the BBC’s annual Rosh Hashanah programme now that Lord Sacks is retiring?

Will the broadcasting reins be handed to his successor Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis? Or will other, non-Orthodox voices be pitching for the platform?

In fact, there won’t be a Rosh Hashanah prog, the BBC says. Instead, it will shift to a documentary at Pesach, as it did this year — which was