Comedian says he is on the side of a ‘solution’
May 27, 2021 16:19Actor and comedian Russell Brand has said the only side he is taking on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is that of “peace” and a “solution”.
In a nine-minute video uploaded to YouTube, the 45-year-old actor implores people to move away from polarised debate and towards finding a solution or some common ground.
Mr Brand argues that nobody’s "hands are clean” and reducing a highly complex issue to a choice between two hyper-partisan sides is unhelpful.
He said: “What I feel is, what would you have any individual do, other than say, can we find forgiveness in our hearts? Can we move forward? Can we look for things we have in common? Can we find love together?
“What is there in this issue that can bring anything other than sadness?
“How can anything be resolved unless the people that are entrenched on either side are willing to change.
“If I could advocate for one thing it would be an end to polarisation.”
Many people on social media have praised Mr Brand for his take on the conflict and his refusal to bow down to activist pressure on either side.
Mr Brand’s perspective also marks a change from that of many Hollywood stars and celebrities, who have tended towards pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel advocacy.
However, the actor is not without controversy when it comes to issues affecting the Jewish community.
In an interview with the Guardian in 2008, Mr Brand described David Icke, a notorious promoter of antisemitic conspiracy theories, as “great”.
The pair have also been photographed together in the past.