Orthodox sex strike ends in New York after ‘chained woman’ Malky is granted a divorce

New York woman at centre of Orthodox protest is granted a get after husband refused to sign document for four years

September 12, 2024 10:31
Adina Sash and Malky Gold Berkowitz. Sash shared the image on Instagram with the caption 'Malky is FREE. Never give up! Mazel Tov to the Gold & Berkowitz family on this incredible simcha of freedom & new beginnings.' (Photo: Instagram)
1 min read

A strictly Orthodox woman whose husband’s refusal to grant her a get inspired a sex strike has finally been allowed a Jewish divorce.

Malky Gold Berkowitz, 30, a mother of two from Kiryas Joel, a strictly-Orthodox village in Orange County, New York, attempted to divorce her husband, Wolf 'Volvy' Berkowitz, after three years of marriage.

Her husband’s refusal to sign the document granting her a divorce in Jewish law sparked a series of protests and sex strikes that spread across the strictly Orthodox world.

On Wednesday night, the Brooklyn-based activist who spearheaded the campaign, Adina Sash, shared the news that Berkowitz finally received the get.

Sash wrote “Malky is FREE” over an image of her grinning arm in arm with Berkowitz.

Posting to her over 74,000 followers on Instagram, Sash wrote: “Never give up! Mazel Tov to the Gold & Berkowitz family on this incredible simcha of freedom & new beginnings.”

Sash, known on Instagram as Flatbush Girl, had been drumming up support on behalf of Berkowitz for the last six months by rallying other Orthodox women to go on sex strike on Friday nights, known as mitzvah night, and following menstruation, or niddah.

The victims of get refusal are known as agunot, meaning chained women.

Sash told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency on Wednesday: “The case needed a lot of public visibility in order to sort of shake it awake and make everyone aware.

“Definitely each woman, in her own way, took on the solidarity with Malky and until she was free, had made pledges to not have sexual relations Friday night, or just to completely strike.

“This was long overdue justice,” she said. “And justice won. And it was only through the awareness of the abuse which created accountability that allowed the husband to wake up one day and actually feel that this was something he had to do for himself.”

In Sash’s Instagram comments section, dozens of people thanked God for freeing Berkowitz.

“Adina, I hope you go straight to Gan Eden for this. Your parents have such amazing nachas from you. You are a wonderful role model for the Jewish women. Keep up the good work!” wrote one user.

Another commented: “Mikva night is back on.”

“Congratulations. May you continue... until the agunah problem is solved forever,” wrote another.

Some expressed well wishes for others held hostage, including the hostages held by Hamas in Gaza.

Her ex husband, Wolf 'Volvy' Berkowitz, has never commented on her allegations against him.