New claim of a rise in Jewish support for Trump

AP poll indicates three in ten American Jews cast their vote for Trump

November 5, 2020 11:14
President Donald Trump
1 min read

The Republican Jewish Coalition claimed a significant rise in support among Jews for President Trump, contradicting the results of an earlier poll showing pro-Democratic sentiment holding firm. 

According to the Associated Press VoteCast, three in ten American Jews cast their vote for Mr Trump and 69 per cent for his challenger Joe Biden. 

In comparison, a poll of Jewish voters commissioned by the left-wing Israel advocacy group J-Street put Jewish support for the Democrats at 77 per cent and only 21 per cent for the Republicans. 

Four years ago, 71 per cent of American Jews backed Democrat Hillary Clinton while 24 per cent plumped for Mr Trump. 

In Florida, which Mr Trump retained, the AP survey put Jewish support for him as high as 41 per cent and 58 per cent for Mr Biden. 

The Republican Jewish Coalition said that Jewish voters were “moving Republican” and speculated that the J-Street poll had not included enough Orthodox voters, among whom support for Mr Trump is higher. 

But Haile Soifer, executive director of the Jewish Democratic Council, disputed the findings, telling the Times of Israel,  “There’s no question that Jewish voters turned out overwhelmingly for Joe Biden last night and it may be the reason he’s going to win,” she said.  

With votes still being counted in a number of states, the news channel CNN puts Mr Biden ahead with 253 electoral college votes to Mr Trump’s 213. The winner will need a minimum of 270. 

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