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Meet the sex therapist rabbi who heals Jews, Christians and Muslims alike

Dr Caleb Jacobson is a specialist in the sexual healing of Abrahamic faiths

February 19, 2025 09:18
21.02 p3
4 min read

If I were to tell you about a country music-singing, Orthodox rabbi from Nashville, Tennessee, who moves to Germany and becomes a sex therapist to Jews, Muslims and Christians, you’d probably think it was the set-up to a joke, or that I was describing the plot of the latest, must-see Netflix drama.

But truth, as they say, is often stranger than fiction, and there is no punchline here. Dr Caleb Jacobson really is all of these things: a Tennessee-born, now Mainz-based psychosexual therapist, who specialises in solving the sexual problems of the Abrahamic religions, and is about to receive his semichah (rabbinical ordination). He’s also the author of several books – including the recently published Sex Therapy with Religious Patients: Working with Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Communities and the founder of the School of Sex Therapy. In addition, he’s a biblical scholar and a podcast host.

“I grew up in the South, and there are three things they tell you not to talk about: religion, politics, and sex,” he jokes. “And I talk about two of them all the time.”

For Jacobson, 41, who follows a long-line of Jewish sex therapists, from Freud to Magnus Hirschfeld and Dr Ruth Westheimer, sex therapy is both a passion and a vocation. “Judaism sees sex as a mitzvah – a commandment,” he says. “It’s a holy act, and I help people connect with that. Sexuality is the core of human experience and who we are as people. As a Jew, I can’t think of anything more meaningful than helping people build strong families, create intimacy, and repair their relationships. It’s about tikkun olam – repairing the world – one person at a time.”