NYC Mayor says he spoke out of "tough love"
April 30, 2020 08:59New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has attempted to defuse the controversy over his outspoken comments after police broke up the large funeral procession of a Chasidic rabbi in Williamsburg on Tuesday.
He said on Wednesday that he had spoken with “tough love” but voiced regret if his words had led people to feel they had been wrongly treated.
In a tweet following the incident, he said he had instructed police to arrest those who defied prohibitions on large gatherings, “My message to the Jewish community, and all communities, is this simple: the time for warnings has passed.”
But his reference to “the Jewish community” as a whole led to a backlash, with Anti-Defamation League head Jonathan Greenblatt calling it “outrageous.”
Speaking yesterday, Mr de Blasio said he could not believe his eyes when he witnessed the event.
“It was deeply, deeply distressing,” he said.
“This is a community I love. This is a community I have spent a lot of time working with closely. And if you saw anger and frustration, you are right.
“I spoke out of real distress. People were in danger before my eyes and I was not going to tolerate it.”
He went on, “I regret if the way I said it in any way gave people a feeling of being treated the wrong way. It was not my intention.
“It was said with love but it was tough love.”
He said if people went to large gatherings, some would be sick and spread the disease to others, a s a result of which people would die.
In a statement, the Charedi organisation Agudath Israel commented, No matter how well-intentioned the Mayor might be, words that could be seized upon by bigots and antisemites must be avoided at all costs.
“The Jewish community as a whole, and the Orthodox Jewish community in particular, are heeding social distancing rules, including at funerals.”