American Jews ‘have lowest opinion’ of Trump among faith groups, poll finds

Jews are overwhelmingly more likely to consider Donald Trump 'self-centred' and 'prejudiced', according to the survey

March 18, 2020 12:02
Donald Trump pictured last week with Vice President Mike Pence (left) and Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar
1 min read

A poll in the United States has found that Jews there have a lower opinion of the moral and political behaviour of President Trump than members of any other religion.

A survey of 6,395 adults – of which 303 were Jewish – conducted by the Pew Research Centre in Washington found that found that Jews are overwhelmingly more likely to consider Donald Trump “self-centred” and “prejudiced”.

Only 21 per cent of Jews were likely to think Mr Trump “even-tempered”.

Jews were also found to be more likely than Christians to disapprove of “the way Donald Trump conducts himself”, and wanted a president who lived a moral and ethical life.

But they were much less likely than Christians to say it is important that the president had strong religious beliefs or shared their own beliefs.

Similarly, seven in ten Jews said they wanted little or no biblical influence on the country’s laws.

The study also found Jews were divided over whether Mr Trump had helped or hindered their community. 

40 per cent of US Jews were found to believe he had helped them, whilst 36 per cent believed he had hurt them. Eight out of ten said it was important to them that the president stand up for their religious beliefs.

The survey confirmed the widely-held perception that American Jews tend to lean towards the Democratic Party rather than the Republicans.

When asked about the religion of the president, one per cent those surveyed said they believed Mr Trump to be Jewish himself. 

Steven Bayme, national director of contemporary Jewish life at the American Jewish Committee told New York Jewish Week that the study “reflects the partisan reality that Jewish Democrats largely oppose Trump and Jewish Republicans support him.”