
Uri Geller applies for Downing Street job after Dominic Cummings called for ‘weirdos and misfits’

The spoon bender claimed his psychic persona had been ‘the perfect mask’ for work with the CIA and FBI

January 9, 2020 09:43
Israeli-British hypnotiser Uri Geller poses
1 min read

Magician and entertainer Uri Geller has formally applied for a job at 10 Downing Street, after Dominic Cummings advertised for “weirdos and misfits”.

Last week Mr Cummings posted a 3,000-word job advert on his personal blog, calling for “true wild cards” to work for Downing Street.

Mr Geller put himself forward for one of the jobs, saying that his “genuine” powers would be an asset to the Government.

The spoon bender claimed his psychic persona had been ‘the perfect mask’ for work with the CIA and FBI, claiming to have erased crucial diplomatic floppy discs on their way to Moscow using “mind power”.

He also said in another situation he helped to locate secret tunnels in North Korea.

Mr Geller has previously claimed to have helped Boris Johnson win the December general election by giving him a spoon energised with positive energy and mind power, though he also claimed he would use his psychic powers to stop Brexit.

A source close to the psychic told the Telegraph“Uri is 100 per cent serious about taking up a role in Government.

“He concedes that his application might be one of the more unusual received by Dominic Cummings, but hopes that he can see the potential value of having Uri on board.

“He is particularly keen on using his powers to tackle growing tensions in the Middle East.”