
United Synagogue leader urges members to write to MPs in support of Israel after UN vote

Stephen Pack was "so upset" at motion condemning settlements that he issued his call as "a matter of urgency"

December 28, 2016 17:54
Stephen Pack
1 min read

Stephen Pack, the president of the United Synagogue, has called on members to write to their local MPs in the wake of the UN Security Council vote condemning Israel settlement-building on the West Bank.

In an email sent to all US members, Mr Pack said he been "so upset" at the role played by the UK government in pushing the vote, that he decided to write"as a matter of urgency”. 

Mr Pack referenced Chanukah, saying that the burning of the lights in people’s homes “remind us that the Jews' connection with Israel must never be taken for granted. There are times when others need to be reminded of this message too. I believe that now is one such time.”

He added that he had often been told by Mark Regev, the Israeli ambassador to the UK, that the Jewish community was "complacent" and rarely wrote to their MPs, while, in contrast, those who lobby against Israel did so loudly.

As such, he concluded, “I think this is a time to show our support for the existence of, and for peace in Israel whether we agree with the Israeli government or not. If our MPs think the Jews in the country don't care there is no incentive for them to be supportive.”