
Wife and family of Angad Paul in shock after fatal plunge


The family of a businessman who fell to his death from his penthouse said they are “in shock” over the tragedy.

Angad Paul, 45, who was married to Jewish media lawyer Michelle Bonn, is said to have suffered fatal injuries after falling from the eight-storey property in Portland Place, central London.

Mr Paul’s death comes as his steel business Caparo Industries - founded by his father Labour peer Lord Paul - is on the brink of collapse after being forced into administration.

His father-in-law Jeffery Bonn today told how the family have been torn apart by the news.

The 72-year-old, said: “We are all in pieces. We are very much in shock, nothing can be said.

“He was a very good, very generous and very kind man. He was dearly loved and will be so sadly missed.”

Mr Paul was pronounced dead after police were called to the family’s suite of luxury flats opposite BBC Broadcasting House in central London at 11am yesterday.

He married 40-year-old Ms Bonn in 2005 in mixed Jewish and Hindu wedding and lived in the apartment complex along with his parents and 57-year-old twin brothers Ambar and Akash.

His death is not being treated as suspicious.

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