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‘To be an Israeli mum is to see how your foetus grows to be a soldier – and then to worry’

What does it mean to be Jewish and Israeli today? Three essays from a new book, ‘On Being Jewish Now’, exude anxiety and resilience

October 15, 2024 09:42
Israeli soldiers attend the funeral for paramedic Sgt. Agam Naim, the first woman soldier killed in combat in the Gaza Strip, Sept. 18, 2024. (Photo by ITAI RON/Middle East Images/AFP via Getty Images)
10 min read

To be an Israeli Mum

By Lihi Lapid

To be an Israeli mum is to see how your foetus (already, when the doctor says “It’s a boy”) grows to be a soldier in uniform, with road dust in his hair, a rifle on his shoulder, and his eyes full of innocence. And to start being worried.

To be an Israeli mum is to teach your daughter not to show weakness in front of her third-grade classmates, because she will have to be strong in front of her tough commander at age 18.