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Royal Academy takes down artwork depicting ‘Nazi’ Israel after criticism

A piece featuring a murderous Jewish pilot remains on display, however

July 16, 2024 11:38
The RA has removed an artwork titled 'Conflict' by Andy, 16, in which the teenage artist depicts a large Buddha with a swastika over the heads of three screaming women. The artist said in his caption: "Watching the conflict unravel in Gaza draws many parallels with the Nazi’s and Chinese oppression, hence the Buddha symbol and the swastika."
4 min read

The Royal Academy Art (RA) has removed two Gaza war-related artworks from its summer exhibitions following outrage from Jewish leaders, although one incendiary piece remains on display.

The RA was criticised for three pieces which included one featuring a swastika looming over screaming Gazan women and another that depicts a faceless Jewish pilot against a backdrop of bodybags.

On Monday the Board of Deputies expressed “significant concern” over the artworks and demanded that the RA reconsider its display – on Tuesday, two of the works were removed.

One piece, titled “The Mass Slaughter of Defenceless Women & Children Is Not How You Deradicalise Gaza” by Michael Sandle, features a faceless pilot in an aircraft with a Star of David symbol front and centre against a backdrop of body bags. It remains on display and is listed on the RA website for sale at £17,000.