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London bus stops defaced with anti-Israel posters mocking IHRA antisemitism definition

Advertisements were replaced with posters saying 'Israel is a racist endeavour'

September 5, 2018 16:21
One of the defaced bus stops
2 min read

Bus stops across London have been defaced with anti-Israel posters mocking the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism, after Labour finally announced it would adopt it, albeit with a significant caveat.

At least four different sites – Elephant and Castle, Waterloo Bridge, Bloomsbury and Westminster, across the road from Parliament itself, have seen advertising hoardings on bus stops fly posted with posters saying “Israel is a racist endeavour”.

This refers to one of the examples of contemporary antisemitism given in the IHRA definition, which says calling "a state of Israel... a racist endeavour" could amount to Jew-hate.