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‘It was a baying mob’ Israeli couple kicked out of Edinburgh show speak out

Audience turn against disabled Jewish man after comedian mocks the couple’s Israeli identity and forces them to leave the theatre

August 13, 2024 15:03
Reginald D Hunter has been accused of inciting an audience to hound an Israeli-British couple out of the theatre (Photo: Getty)
3 min read

American comedian Reginald D Hunter mocked an Israeli-British couple who were hounded out of his Edinburgh Fringe show, Fluffy Fluffy Beavers.

Hunter, who was embroiled in an antisemitism scandal in 2006, made a joke about an abusive wife: “My God, it’s like being married to Israel,” he quipped.

Although most of the audience laughed in response, one man in the front row shouted, “Not funny”.

Speaking to the JC, the Jewish man who wished to remain anonymous, said, “It was just a heckle because it wasn’t funny, it was poor, he was nervous and sweaty. He put on a bad set. When he told this joke about an abusive husband leaving the house but it was really the husband being abused by the wife, I just said: ‘That’s not funny’ and then he really started.”