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How Muslim news site 5Pillars spreads conspiracy theories and far-right views

5Pillars has been accused of publishing homophobic articles and conspiracy theories

November 29, 2024 11:50
5 min read

Introducing his latest guest to the 5Pillars podcast earlier this year, Dilly Hussain described her as, “an iconic figure of the British far right.” Jayda Fransen, he went on to say, had achieved infamy by invading mosques and launching Christian patrols.

The former leader of Britain First, a far right party, was not an obvious interviewee for an Islamic news outlet that claims to represent the British Muslim community. Hussain, the deputy editor of 5Pillars, had invited her on, he told viewers, after discovering, to his surprise, that she opposed Israel.

Speaking on the podcast, Fransen began to rail against a supposed conspiracy established by Jews to undermine Western nations.

Former Britain First leader Jayda Fransen said Jews” were “behind the abortion industry” and “the LGBTQPZ plus agenda” (Photo: YouTube)[Missing Credit]

“The agenda is a Zionist agenda, in that it’s not just Jews, but if you look at who is behind all of it, if you look at, as I said, who owns the largest, that I know of, porn platform Pornhub – a rabbi,” she said.