Galloway’s right-hand woman in ‘devil’ rant

Shanaz Saddique suggested Rishi Sunak’s recent speech on extremism was the work of Satan

March 6, 2024 16:53
Saddique (in red) stands to the right of Galloway on election night
1 min read

George Ga lloway’s key lieutenant ranted at his victory bash that Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s speech last week about the dangers of divisive extremism was the work of Satan.

Shanaz Saddique is a key figure in Galloway’s team and drove around Rochdale with a megaphone telling residents: “George Galloway: the only voice for Rochdale.” 

At Galloway’s post-election party, Saddique launched a tirade about Sunak, suggesting that his impromptu address following the election of Galloway was the doing of “Shaitan” (the devil).

While she maintains that she had no official role in Galloway’s campaign, the JC has seen footage (below) of her urging the public to vote for Galloway.

On the evening of the new MP’s victory, Saddique said she had been “working throughout the day” and had not slept for days.

She appeared as Galloway’s right-hand woman at several of his major events, including during a recent speech when she stood between civil service Diversity Lead Mohammed Shafiq and the new MP. She has also sat on panels with Shafiq.

She fawned over Galloway on TikTok, saying: “Feeling great and looking even better”. In another post she wrote, “Israel is behaving like Nazi Germany.”

At Galloway’s election celebration, Saddique was triumphant: “Ah hamdulillah [praise be to God] when I believe sincerely that when you’re near the Shah [king], where it is clean, that Allah paves the way for you.”

She added: “Shaitan [the devil] will throw the obstacles and Shaitan did throw the obstacles and will continue to do so. Somebody said in relation to the PM’s speech that these are non-Muslims, these are kafirs [non-Muslims] I believe that this is the doing of the Shaitan.”

Saddique denied being a key member of Galloway’s campaign team.