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A-level History textbook removes reference to Jewish ‘riches and money-lending’ as an explanation for pogroms

Oxford University Press consulted with Jewish experts after receiving complaints from communal body

November 20, 2024 17:31
The 2015 edition of the Oxford University Press History A-level textbook suggested Jewish wealth made the community a target during the Russian pogroms - a new addition has updated the assumption
2 min read

An Oxford University Press (OUP) A-level history textbook has removed a reference to Jewish “money-lending and personal riches” as an explanation for Russian pogroms following complaints from Jewish organisations.

The 2015 edition of the AQA History textbook Tsarist and Communist Russia 1855-1964 by Sally Waller includes a section on the Jewish pogroms of 1881-84.

The textbook cited anger over Jewish wealth as a factor behind the violence, while also stating that antisemitism arose from “the teachings of the Orthodox Church”.

The book went on to suggest that the pogroms’ “immediate cause” was unclear but may have been linked to “business competition” over railway contracts or encouraged by Russian authorities following Alexander II’s assassination.