
Twitter U-turn over ban on yellow star used by account exposing antisemitism

The social media platform initially claimed the yellow Magen David breached its rules of use, blocking the @GnasherJew account

February 27, 2018 12:49
The yellow star image, left, was initially found to have broken Twitter's rules concerning hateful imagery
1 min read

Twitter has relented over the use of an image of a Holocaust-era yellow star by an online antisemitism watchdog after an intervention by the Community Security Trust (CST).

Yesterday the @GnasherJew account, which exposes antisemitism in the Labour Party, tweeted a screenshot of a message from Twitter announcing that it had blocked the account. It would be unlocked, it said, once the offending image was removed.

The social media platform said the photo of the yellow star with “Jude” – the German word for Jew – inscribed on it was in breach of its rules concerning hateful imagery.

The decision outraged some social media users, who pointed out that Twitter had targeted a website that aims to combat antisemitism while not acting against genuinely antisemitic content.

Today the CST tweeted that it had been in contact with Twitter’s policy team, which has now given assurances that the @GnasherJew account will be able to once again use the image.



A spokesman for the @GnasherJew account said it was thankful for the CST’s intervention, but reiterated its point that antisemitic messages by other users continue to go unpunished.

It said: “The fact remains that Twitter took down our account, Jews fighting antisemitism, without warning, holding us to ransom, to delete our Star of David. Then if you look at our TL (timeline) there is a man tweeting revolting antisemitism and they do nothing about them.”

@GnasherJew said it would reinstate the Star of David image later today.

Update: the @GnasherJew account was once again suspended on Tuesday, but has been reinstated again.