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Tributes to Arieh Handler

May 23, 2011 09:26

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

4 min read

Arieh Handler, the last survivor of those present at the declaration of the state of Israel, died last week at the age of 96.His friends and colleagues have been sharing their memories of him with the JC.

"Arieh Handler was a man whose being and whose heart resonated with the beat of Jewish life and history. He did not study it- He lived it and was part of it. If he had a fault it was that he loved every Jew irrespective of background or commitment.

"I had the privilege of working besides Arieh and seeing him in action during the tough and vital years of the struggle for Soviet Jewry through the 70s, 80s and early 90s. Given his background in literally plucking Jewish children from Nazi occupied territory during the war, he saw the campaign for Soviet Jews all the more urgently in terms of Pidyon Shivuim and Pikuach Nefesh (ransoming captives and saving souls). Whether lobbying British politicians (many of whom were personal friends), leading the community in public protest or engaging with Soviet contacts, Arieh's absolute sincerity won him the admiration and support (sometimes begrudging) that he sought. When people would occasionally disappoint him he would brush aside the affront: "He means well, he has such a good heart." In any discussion Arieh was always willing to see all sides: 'on the other hand' was one of his bywords.

"Arieh came to England on a 'short' shlichut in the 1930s and stayed over sixty years yet, in the words of the famous poem by Rabbi Yehudah Halevi he could claim with all sincerity, "I am in the West but my heart is in the East". Arieh's heart beat to the beat of the people and the land of Israel, his knowledge of and involvement in the growth and flourishing of the State of Israel gave him an insider's perspective. It was often said of Arieh that he was the best Prime Minister that Israel never had.