
Trial date set for pro-Israel campaigners accused of assault

An arrest warrant was issued for the pair after they missed a Monday court date, but was rescinded on Wednesday

March 27, 2019 17:44
Westminster Magistrates' Court GV Getty
London, England, UK - December 7, 2014: Westminster Magistrates' Court is a magistrates' court at 181 Marylebone Road, London. The court opened on 22 September 2011. The Chief Magistrate of England and Wales, who is the Senior District Judge of England and Wales, sits at the court, and all extradition and terrorism-related cases pass through it.
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A trial date has been set for pro-Israel campaigners Jonathan Hoffman and Damon Lenszner, who are accused of common assault and using threatening words and behaviour.

The pair, who appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday morning, pleaded not guilty to all charges.

An arrest warrant had been issued for Mr Hoffman and Mr Lenszner, after they failed to attend a pre-trial hearing at the same court on Monday.

Mr Hoffman, a former vice-president of the Zionist Federation, claimed he had not been notified by post of the Monday court date. The warrant was rescinded on Wednesday when they appeared at court.

Mr Hoffman said he went on Tuesday but was told to go back on Wednesday morning.

The trial will take place at Hendon Magistrates’ Court on June 19 and 20.