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Tonge defiant over fascist link

November 5, 2009 13:58
Kristina Morvai: invited to meeting

BySimon Rocker, Simon Rocker

1 min read

Liberal Democratic peer Baroness Tonge is to attend a pro-Palestinian conference from which she had been asked by an anti-racist group to withdraw.

The anti-BNP Nothing British group called on her to pull out of the event organised by the Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) in London over an apparent invitation to the far-right Hungarian MP Kristina Morvai.

Baroness Tonge, confirming her attendance this week, said: “Ms Morvai is not attending the conference. I understand the invitation was never issued formally.”

A Liberal Democrat spokesperson said: “Jenny Tonge is speaking at the conference in a personal capacity, having been assured by the organisers that Ms Morvai was never invited and will definitely not be speaking at the conference.”